Press Releases

COMMITTEE Jointly organize street rally at 180 Dundas Street West ,
Toronto , in commemoration of NAWAB AKBAR KHAN BUGTI

September 9th, 2006

2006 the military government of Pakistan headed by General Parvez Musharraf  assassinated
Akbar Bugti  as part of the ongoing 5th military operation on Balochistan soil. Akbar Bugti was a
78 year old veteran politician and one of the main leaders of the Baloch resistance.

Akbar Bugti،¯s targeted killing was followed by a series of cover ups on the part of the Pakistan
administration regarding the actual circumstances and facts that led to his death. His funeral was
conducted by the military under tight security and his padlocked coffin was shown briefly on
television before being buried. No one of repute identified the body and against all norms and
traditions his final remains were not given to his family or next of kin. It is widely believed that he
was tortured and humiliated under detention before being ،°killed accidentally،± in a cave in the
mountains of Balochistan.

This brazen display of military muscle in the face of the nationalist sentiments of 3 out of 4
provinces of Pakistan has drawn widespread condemnation and galvanized the political opposition
to military rule in Pakistan . It sent shock waves through Pakistan and is widely perceived to be a
challenge thrown by the military to all democratic forces and individuals in the country. It was
deliberately designed to be a reminder and a wake up call to all those who dare to challenge the
general and his cohorts as to what they may expect should they dare to pursue a movement to
restore democracy and civilian rule in Pakistan or ask for greater political autonomy for their

Most importantly, the assassination of Akbar Bugti is a clear signal to all Baloch, Sindhi and
Pashtun peoples of Pakistan that they cannot expect to beneficially control the natural energy or
other mineral resources that exist beneath their soil.

The provinces of Sindh and Balochistan are sitting on vast coal, oil and gas reserves. Yet their
populations remain weak, oppressed, illiterate and poverty stricken. They have a history and
tradition of being peace loving and gentle and for the most part follow a secular Sufi philosophy of
life, very removed from the extremist and dogmatic versions of Islam encouraged  by the military
establishment and their cronies.

Unfortunately, western governments including Canada are unable to comprehend or absorb the
complexities of the region and are indirectly aiding and abetting Musharaf،¯s military government
to suppress and silence citizens of Pakistan who are simply asking for a fair deal. The provinces of
Pakistan are simply demanding from Islamabad the justice and respect that the Canadian
provinces enjoy from Ottawa --a measure of political autonomy and peaceful control of and
benefits from their own natural resources

Pakistan has been hijacked by a small minority of privileged elite composed of the military, the
mullahs, and a civilian centralized bureaucracy with their beneficiaries and cohorts who have
ensconced themselves in vast and powerful economic enterprises ranging from banks, real estate,
manufacturing, commerce, natural resource exploitation, private educational establishments and
lucrative foreign office postings all over the world. To maintain the status quo, the dreaded Inter
Services Intelligence bureau of Pakistan (that support the Taliban in Afghanistan)  routinely carry
out communal  and sectarian killings and then arrested or kidnapped ordinary political workers
who simply wished to work towards the restoration of human rights, democracy and civilian rule.  
Thousands of disappearances of innocent civilians have taken place in the last 3 years, leaving
families and children with no legal recourse in spite of Amnesty International. The Human Rights
Commission of Pakistan and other human rights organizations are asking for explanations.

To beef up their own importance in the geopolitical arena the Pakistan government has indulged
in nuclear adventures and used the vast deserts of Balochistan and Sindh to test weapons of
mass destruction .The environmental impact of these activities have been lost in the dust but will
continue to effect generations of Baloch people, as well as their livestock and habitation.

To pay respect to Akbar Bugti, who courted a martyr،¯s death in order to highlight the atrocities
suffered by his people ,  Baloch Canadians , Sindhi Canadians , Pashtun Canadians and their  
Canadian friends and supporters from the Punjab and other ethnicities in Pakistan  and
elsewhere  will gather together on 15th September  from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm  at 180 Dundas
Street West in a peaceful rally in front of the offices of the Human Rights Commission of Canada .

All individuals and organizations that support fundamental human rights for all peoples across the
world are invited to participate in this peaceful rally on Friday September 15th from 3:30 pm to 4:
30 pm at 180 Dundas Street West , Toronto in front of offices of Human Rights Commission
Canada .

Genesis of the issue: In 1940, when the Muslim majority areas of what was then British India
resolved to consider  forming  a loose confederation, only three aspects of governance--currency
, foreign affairs, and defense related communication--was granted to a future central government.
The rest of the federating units were to assume total control of all their natural resources and all
other aspects of government which were to be formed on democratic principles. This is known as
the Lahore resolution of 1940. Pakistan emerged as an independent state in 1947 on the basis of
this resolution.

Over the last sixty years, however, several bouts of long military rule has not only eroded all
democratic institutions and destroyed the constitutional rule of law, but it has also allowed the
armed forces to penetrate deep into the provinces establishing their control over all resources
and creating profitable enterprises for retired and active military personnel from Punjab . Pakistan
is now made up of 4 provinces, having lost its fifth through a bloody civil war of secession in 1971
leading to the independence of Bangla Desh. Of the four, the most populous and yet
disproportionately powerful is Punjab from where a majority of  its  million plus armed forces are
recruited, making Pakistan the owner of the fifth largest military in the world. Over the last six
decades, the military has usurped power several times and during its tenures made considerable
strides in enriching itself and entrenching itself as owners of Pakistan ،¯s industry, commercial
establishments, and real estate. Punjab is landlocked and does not have the mineral resources
that Sindh and Balochistan possess, and therefore seeks to control the coast line as well as the
vast reserves of coal, gas, and petroleum that Sindh and Balochistan possess. TOTAL
26 mil and PUNJAB : 77 mil
The World Sindhi Institute
Tel: 416.964.9223 Ext. 249
Fax: 416.964.8239
Committed to serve the people
Of Sindh in their pursuit for
Social justice, peace, and freedom

WHO:The World Sindhi Institute (WSI) and Balochistan Action Committee (BAC)
WHAT:Silent protest by Pakistani Canadians (mostly Sindhi and Baloch) against gross
human rights violations, political arrests, torture and killings

WHEN: 15th September 2006 at 3:30-4:30 pm

WHERE:180 Dundas Street West in front of offices of Human Rights Commission of

WHY: The political assassination of Akbar Bugti on 26th august 2006 and other human
rights violations of poor oppressed peoples since 9/11 2001 under regime of General
Parvez Musharraf (particularly the last three years)

Contact Person and Tel #:
Imtiaz Baloch                     9054727494  
Humaira Rahman            4168580605

Expected turnout approximately 150 people
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.